Our Ebay Success Story!

The Cerebral Palsy Association of Nassau County’s Development Department was looking for new ways to raise funds during the pandemic. We had a number of items that were intended as prizes for events that were cancelled, and a large collection of art from artist Susie Gách Peelle that she had donated to the Agency. In September 2020 we decided to re-launch our Ebay Store – Benefitucpnassau, in an effort to sell these items and raise funds. It was a huge undertaking, over 300 pieces of art needed to be photographed and described for the listings as well as the other items we had to sell. We also began asking for donations for the store and we received CDs, DVD, Games, Toys, Dolls, Shoes from Klienfeld’s NYC, and other items from supporters that we also listed for sale. Sales were very strong and interestingly over 70% of the purchases were from out of state buyers across the USA. By the end of 2020 we managed to raise over $5000, with more than half of that total attributed to Susie’s artwork.
We started 2021 determined to continue with the Ebay Store’s success, but by the summer of 2021 sales began to dwindle as our stock was getting low. A long time supporter and volunteer with the Agency heard about what we were doing and contacted us wanting to donate to the effort. She wanted to help CPNassau in our time of need and preferred to make the donation anonymously. She donated a number of Batman Animation Cells, Rare Toys, Actions Figures, Collectable Watches, Disney Pins, and used Vintage Star Wars items to the store. These items sold very well, and our revenues began to soar. She didn’t stop there, in the Fall she contacted us again with more items to donate including a large number of rare Disney Watches and Statues. These have been selling very well and to date these donations have raised over $9000 for the agency, nearly half our total for 2021!
Overall the Benefitucpnassau Ebay Store has been a huge success for the agency thanks to the generous donations from our supporters and the dedication of our Development staff. We have managed to raise over $23,000 since launching the store late last year, and our hope is that with continued donations it will continue to benefit the agency for years to come. We would like to thank everyone who contributed to this effort during these difficult times, we will continue moving forward together!
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