The manager at our “350 House,” Charkera Stennett had an idea and a plan to take residents on a safari! It took a village to make it happen and the staff, including nurses and direct support professionals who joined the group made the voyage to Six Flags Great Adventure in New Jersey safe, and full of fun and excitement for all!

The drive took two hours and upon arrival, meds were administered, and a portable changing table was set up in the restroom to accommodate our residents. Amazingly enough, people in the restroom spoke with the staff and complemented them on their good work and how well they worked as a team.

The fun began as the group went to the boarding area for the safari trucks! The Great Adventure staff were extremely helpful and cooperative as the assisted with the people using wheelchairs and handled the tie-down locks and straps. Ben, one of the residents was assisted out of his chair and led to the best seat on the truck! CP Nassau staff members and residents, Sheila, Barbara, Sam and Ben gave a big cheer for the Great Adventure staff who went above and beyond to make the day’s experience a great one.

Barbara enjoyed looking at the animals in the big open areas and at one point held her head up to the sun with eyes closed, seemingly enjoying the beautiful breeze. Sheila’s favorite were the elephants and Sam kept pointing with great enthusiasm, telling all to see the giraffes, lions, tigers, baboons, rhinos and zebras. It was an incredible experience for residents and staff.

After the ride, the group visited the reptile exhibit and Sheila could not get over how HUGE the python was, she loved it! The group went to the gift shop, and each chose a souvenir to remember the trip. After enjoying lunch at the park, the group prepared for the ride home. When they arrived about 6 pm, the residents were tired but happy and talked non-stop about the trip. So Charkera’s vision of making this trip happen came true and she expressed whole-hearted gratitude to eh staff members who worked tirelessly to make this experience special and unforgettable.