Jose Equite Pineda pictured above with Principal Kevin Loughlin

As part of the American Education Week celebration at the Children’s Learning Center, two students, Jose Equite Pineda and Jose Ojeda Alverado, were given the opportunity to be “Principal for the Day” as they shadowed actual school Principal Kevin Loughlin.  (All students were invited to write the reason why they would like to have this chance and their were so many great responses, it was hard to choose!)

The boys reported having a great day. They enjoyed going around the building and visiting everyone. They worked hard checking staff identification!

The option for two students to be Physical Therapy (PT) supervisor for the day was also given and those students are Ashley Aguilar Lopez and Danny Iglesias who will shadow PT Supervisor, Symong Choi this week.  Details to come!

Jose Ojedo Alvarado pictured above with Principal Kevin Loughlin