Stevens Martinez, Nassau County Regional Rep for Governor Hochul visited CP Nassau yesterday.  Stevens has been communicating with various leaders and program participants here, including a Zoom meeting with NY State’s first Chief Disability Officer, Kim Hill, and yesterday this was his first in-person visit.

Representatives from our Children’s Learning Center and OPWDD Adult Services gave an overview of CP Nassau, including some of the challenges we face. Kevin Christman, program participant and President of the Self-Advocacy group, praised the work and dedication of staff and stressed that more funding is desperately needed to recruit and retain employees to continue our mission.

Stevens toured a couple of classrooms and joined in with students and faculty enjoying music therapy.  Psychologist, Sophia Ginos, assembled a group of participants in our former “Café Connections” and explained what a great purpose it served for program participants and students to get work experience, while providing an area for people to convene and grab a snack. We presented Stevens with some handmade gifts, part of our ongoing “Kindness Rocks” effort and included a basket for Governor Hochul as well!  We are grateful to Stevens Martinez for his interest and support!