Merry Monday – All wore holiday socks and /or headgear! Some classes made their own gingerbread house and some others painted mini wooded nutcracker ornaments. On Grinch Tuesday, people wore… you guessed it, Grinch gear or their favorite green outfit! Wednesday was...
The Council of Auxiliaries of the Cerebral Palsy Association of Nassau County held their annual Holiday Angel Luncheon at CP Nassau’s headquarters in Roosevelt on December 10. Council President, MaryLou Zizzo and Rachel Gaudiosi of the Plainedge Chapter spoke to...
The Council of Auxiliaries of the Cerebral Palsy Association of Nassau County held their annual Holiday Luncheon and Boutique Sale at the MiIleridge Inn on December6th. Close to 200 guests were in attendance and a wonderful time was enjoyed by all. There was a chance...
On Sunday, December 8 the Fox Hollow in Woodbury was the scene of dozens of young ladies in party dresses perfect for the holiday season, and lots of boys ready to greet a parade of characters from a galaxy far, far, away! At the third annual Sugar Plum Ball and...
The teen volunteers from AYLUS (Alliance of Youth Leaders in the US) Roslyn Chapter continue to help out at CP Nassau in so many ways! Each weekend, they continue to visit our residences and do fun craft and baking projects. On Nov. 2, they helped at the CP Nassau 5K...
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