The 41st Annual Golf and Tennis Tournament to Benefit CP Nassau: A Great Success

The 41st annual Golf and Tennis tournament that benefits the Cerebral Palsy Association of Nassau County was held on August 3 at the stunning North Hills Country Club in Manhasset.  Over 200 golfers and tennis players played during the day and later gathered together in full room for dinner and raffles.

The day was beautiful, and all enjoyed being out in the sun and fresh air, raising funds for CP Nassau. Delaney Bartling spoke briefly to the group assembled after the extravagant buffet and was truly inspiring.  Chris Wawrzonek, a participant at CP Nassau demonstrated the amazing equipment used at the Agency in the MOVE Program that provides the opportunity for him and others to not use their wheelchair and to stand and take steps.  The enthusiastic smile on Chris’s face truly told the whole story!

All at CP Nassau are so very grateful to the committee members who worked hard all year to organize this great event.  CP Nassau is also extremely grateful to the sponsors and attendees for their support and generosity!

The members of the Mulligan Club Committee are always looking for new members to join. Call Joel Paymer at 516-217-1000 during business hours if you are interested.

Photos from Event

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As part of our ongoing Legislative efforts, Assistant Executive Director Peter Dolan has reached out to Assemblyman Mike Durso throughout the year and visited with him in his local office in Massapequa Park.