The Community Based Day Program Goes Swimming!

Sep 7, 2022 | Blog, Children's Learning Center, Community

Here are some pictures of Community Based Day Program enjoying the pool this summer. The participants are Frank, Dora, Tony, Diane, Nancy, and Jose. everyone enjoyed having pool time and we look forward to it again next summer!

Tony – Loved showing us his swimming skills. He grew up swimming with his family and learned at an early age. His picture alone, he was floating on his back.

Dora – also learned how to swim during her younger years and had a pool in her home. She loved it!

Jose – often goes to the beach and pool with his family but was happy to enjoy it with his friends.

Frank – was so excited and came prepared with his own life jacket. He enjoyed watching his friends Tony and Dora swim.

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As part of our ongoing Legislative efforts, Assistant Executive Director Peter Dolan has reached out to Assemblyman Mike Durso throughout the year and visited with him in his local office in Massapequa Park.