Zoom with Craig Muder! The participants in the Life Options program at CP Nassau had a unique opportunity to zoom with Craig Muder. Who is Craig? Craig is a public relations representative at the Baseball Hall of Fame. Craig is a huge baseball and Pirates fan. He...
The Community Based Day Program Goes Swimming! Here are some pictures of Community Based Day Program enjoying the pool this summer. The participants are Frank, Dora, Tony, Diane, Nancy, and Jose. everyone enjoyed having pool time and we look forward to it again next...
CLC End of Summer Balloon Car Race! CLC finished the summer program with a Balloon Car Race! As part of the school’s STEAM program, classrooms created Balloon Cars and raced them to see which car travelled the furthest. Everyone did an amazing job! recent posts...
Water Infusion Day at CP Nassau The CP Nassau Wellness Committee hosted a Water Infusion day on June 24 in celebration of National Hydration day which was the day before! The committee has worked hard to educate staff, students and participants about the importance...
CP Nassau Appreciates Assemblywoman Judy Griffin! Photo: Pat Quinn, CP Nassau Community Outreach Manager CP Nassau visited Assemblywoman Judy Griffin and her team at her legislative offices in Rockville Centre to pick up the supply of tests along with some N95...
CPNassau’s Sci-Fi MiniCon The Cerebral Palsy Association of Nassau County is hosting a Sci-Fi Mini Convention at Levittown Hall, in Hicksville, NY on Saturday, July 16th 2022 from 5pm – 8pm. This event will feature Members of the 501st Legion’s Empire City...
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