Pictured left to right, NCBA President Daniel Russo, WE CARE Co-Chairs Jeffrey Catterson and Barbara Gervase.

CP Nassau Receives Funding at the 2024 WE CARE Grant Luncheon hosted by the Nassau County Bar Association

The annual 2024 WE CARE Grant Luncheon hosted by the Nassau County Bar Association was held in December and CP Nassau was one of the non-profit organizations selected to receive a grant.  Marc Kluger from our Residential Program was in attendance to accept the grant on behalf of our Agency.

The We Care Fund is part of the Nassau Bar Foundation and the charitable arm of the Nassau County Bar Association.  It was founded in 1988 by then Bar Association President, Stephen Gassman.  Marc Kluger first applied for the grant in 2021 on behalf of CP Nassau.  The grant has been approved annually for the past 4 years for use by the Guardianship Program here.

CP Nassau is very grateful to the WE Care Foundation for the great support it provides for CP Nassau and other deserving organizations in Nassau County.

More info about the Guardianship Program at CP Nassau

Mission of the Nassau Cerebral Palsy Guardianship Corporation is to provide guardianship services for individuals who have cerebral palsy or other developmental disabilities. The Corporation is designated by a person’s family to either be a primary or stand by guardian of the person when the present guardian passes away and there is no one to step in to advocate for the person. Once appointed guardian, the Corporation provides assurance that decisions are made in the best interest of the individual by accessing good health care and medical supports, ensuring appropriate residential and day programming, exploring appropriate employment or vocational needs, fulfilling religious wishes, offering social and recreational opportunities and providing guidance and legal support.