donate to move!

Miracles Can and Do Happen Every Day!

Set an appointment with Jen to witness one of our miracles firsthand and see how the program works. You can also DONATE to our program to help with equipment, personnel, and training.

What is MOVE?

Mobility Opportunities Via Education/Experience (MOVE) is an activity-based program that provides opportunities for students to acquire increasing amounts of time to practice the skills they need to become more independent.



Using MOVE equipment provides overall better quality of life.


MOVE equipment is engineered to adapt to each client’s personal growth.


Equipment designed to allow each client the ability to experience hands-free independence.


MOVE equipment affords each client the freedom to participate fully in life.

MOVE Equipment

MOVE with CP Nassau!

Set an appointment with Jen to witness one of our miracles firsthand and see how the program works. You can also DONATE to our program to help with equipment, personnel, and training.