treatment & rehabilitation clinic
We’re here for you.
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on the capacity of health systems around the world to continue the delivery of essential health services. CP Nassau is among the health systems being challenged to maintain preventive and curative services, especially for our most vulnerable populations – people living with disabilities and especially those with chronic conditions.
Since the beginning of this pandemic, CP Nassau coordinated efforts to maintain access to essential health services through the use of telemedicine. The following services continue via telemedicine:
Primary Care
Psychiatry and Mental Health Support
Therapeutic Services
Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Speech Therapy
In-Person Appointments
For some of our patients, there was a need to be seen in-person for a procedure or assessment as quickly as possible. Guided by the Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), CP Nassau has taken a number of steps, in addition to our standard rigorous infection control measures, as we cautiously reopen our Clinic to ensure our facility remains a safe place for you to receive care. We currently offer the following on-site services:
Primary Care
Dental Care
Rehabilitation Medicine
Therapeutic Evaluations
…for on-site appointments:
- All patients and visitors are screened for COVID-19 symptoms. You will be contacted by your clinic scheduler prior to an appointment to ask whether you are experiencing any symptoms. When you arrive for your appointment, you and anyone will complete a Health Assessment, including a temperature check. Our staff are also screened for COVID-19 symptoms each day.
- We are pleased to report that CP Nassau was one of the first agencies to install a new I-Wave system to cleanse the air, E-Spray electrostatic sprayers and Sterilizer UV floor units. Areas such as waiting rooms, lobbies and restrooms are cleaned frequently with special attention to frequently touched surfaces including doorknobs, armrests and handrail. Exam rooms are fully cleaned and disinfected between each patient. We have made special arrangements to support social distancing. You may see markers on the floors to remind you to social distance and have rearranged furniture in some waiting areas to create more space between patients, and are scheduling appointments to ensure that fewer people are in our clinics at any given time.
All services are by appointments only.
latest news in REHABILITATION
Dr. Michael DeAngelis D.O. Honored by CP of NYS
Dr. Michael DeAngelis has been chosen to receive the Distinguished Service Award because he is a leader who inspires others to work hard, be compassionate, smart and caring in their work with individuals with disabilities.
Rise Up Together!
Schools that serve students with special needs continue to fight to have our voices heard for parity in pay for our staff and our field. Join us and RISE UP!
CP Nassau Parties Like It’s 2019!
The CP Nassau “Party Like It’s 2019” was held at the beautiful Chateau Briand. 150+ attendees enjoyed a wonderful evening!